Welcome to High Sky Adventures Parachute Club
719-598-JUMP (5867)

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Welcome to High Sky Adventures Parachute Club

Who are we?

Skydive is what we do!!!

Do your first jump with us!!!

Demos the gear you need

We support our Veterans!!!

Have some fun!!!

We do tandems!!!

Directions to our facilities

Where do you want to go from here?

From our roof, what's the weather doing NOW?

Talk to us!!!


Tandem Jump

This is where an instructor is attached to your back and you free fall for a period of time, depending on altitude attained, and the parachute is deployed and the instructor flies you into the drop zone.

Classroom time is about 15 minutes and you are on your way.

Due to current fuel cost we had to raise our rates. When and if fuel cost go down we will adjust our cost accordingly. Thanks for your support and understanding.

Cost: $230.00



Wanna know more about gravity?

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